Voip a Minefield of Savings

Voice over Internet is the future.   The copper lines are rotting on the pole and falling into disrepair.   Customers are deserting traditional telephone companies in droves and the phone companies themselves don't really want to continue the legacy technology.    Costs for making calls over the internet is an order of magnitude less expensive.   Unfortunately there are a lot of very bad actors in the field and horror stories abound.

The terminology and technology are somewhat alien to most business owners, confusion prevails and often business owners are taken advantage of by bad actors.  Worse, this often disrupts crucial business infrastructure as these voip mollesters run amok leaving chaos in their wake. 

We have been installing and operating VoIP phone systems for a decade and a half.   Early on we saw the promise and possibility of Asterisk and were early adopters of what now has quietly become the voip system with the largest installed base on the planet.   Asterisk is the open source program which forms the base for most call centers and countless large corporations.   Coupled with FreePBX it provides a scalable and robust platform for internet calling. 

Most of our clients experince an order of magnitude drop in their phone bill after transitioning to voip and new possibilities such as remote offices, transfer to cell and automation of call routing are made available. 

This is not without hazards.   Voip requires a robust reliable network and without internet there are problems.   So we work with our clients to develop contingency plans for internet outages, and devise ways to make their network more robust. 

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